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The Top Startups of 2023 According to YOU

Picture of Luke Versweyveld
Luke Versweyveld
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2023 was a whirlwind.

After launching our new voting platform in July, we’ve had over 250 companies launch on StartupStage. Today, I’m excited to share the top startups of 2023 by sector– as selected by you!

Without further ado, here are the 10 startups that received the most votes in 2023.

Top SaaS - Heyscribe

57 votes πŸ”Ό

The first platform to monetize your creative work-in-progress

The Problem πŸ€•

Heyscribe is solving the problem of content creators struggling to monetize their work during the creative process, and the financial rewards not matching their efforts.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution is a platform that allows content creators to monetize their work-in-progress, combining features similar to Patreon with project management tools.

How it Works ❓

Heyscribe enables creators to collaborate with their audience, earn revenue during the creation stage, and offers a blend of task tracking, monetization, and social networking features to streamline the creative process.

Call to Action 🀝

Heyscribe welcomes all creators on their platform. Head over to their website, create an account, and make your first post. Let your audience know they can support you, and look at how you can create your content on Heyscribe.

“Never give up and always have a plan B!” – Egor Aizen 

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Top Marketplace - Feedcoyote

84 votes πŸ”Ό

Network, Collaborate, Manage & Earn. All on the Global Freelance Network App

The Problem πŸ€•

Freelancers struggle to find trustworthy collaborators and manage evolving projects effectively.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Feedcoyote offers a comprehensive platform to connect freelancers with reliable partners and streamline project management.

How it Works ❓

It connects freelancers with like-minded collaborators, incorporates a rating system, simplifies project management, and facilitates networking within the freelance community.

Call to Action 🀝

Head over to their website to learn more

“Focus on delivering exceptional quality, understanding your audience deeply, and maintaining a customer-centric approach.” – Stevens Bonhomme

Read their full feature 

Top Fintech - Energi

125 votes πŸ”Ό

Security-Specialized Blockchain That Protects Users From Hacks/Scams

The Problem πŸ€•

Energi is solving the pressing issue of security vulnerabilities in the cryptocurrency industry.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution is a secure and user-friendly blockchain called Energi that emphasizes security and user convenience.

How it Works ❓

Energi has a three-layered security approach: wallet alerts for fund movements, decentralized governance to freeze suspicious addresses, and a 3.5-day time delay on transactions leaving the ecosystem.

How you can help 🀝

Energi extends an open invitation to developers and companies looking to deploy crypto assets on a secure blockchain. By choosing Energi, they can protect their users from scams and shield their code from potential hacks.

“Know that if you build the best product in the world, it's nothing without marketing. Marketing is the lifeblood of all business!” – Tommy WorldPower, Founder of Energi

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Top Edtech - SecureMyScholarship

113 votes πŸ”Ό

Guaranteed scholarship with end-to-end admissions support

The Problem πŸ€•

Education costs are getting higher every year, placing a burden on students and their families.

The Solution πŸ”¨

The solution is SecureMyScholarship, which connects students with scholarship opportunities and fee waivers at universities globally.

How it Works ❓

The platform allows students to browse universities, filter to find the best match, access scholarship information, and submit an application that the platform processes and sends to the chosen university.

How you can help 🀝

Readers can get involved by visiting their website, applying for scholarships, and spreading the word.

“Always believe in yourself and your vision no matter the challenges or obstacles that will almost definitely arise. Without belief you will not have the conviction to persevere when things are tough.” – Craig Fernandes, Founder to SecureMyScholarship

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Top AI - Digital Robots

66 votes πŸ”Ό

Accelerating Companies with Intelligent Automation Solutions

The Problem πŸ€•

Digital Robots aims to address the inefficiencies and complexities in business processes that hinder productivity and growth.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution revolves around intelligent automation, combining robotic process automation (RPA) with artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline tasks and enhance overall efficiency.

How it Works ❓

Digital Robots deploys software robots (RPA) to automate tasks previously done by humans, accessing systems and applications, while AI enhances their capabilities by learning and making intelligent decisions to improve processes.

Call to Action 🀝

Digital Robots invite you to connect with them on LinkedIn to stay in the loop about industry trends, cutting-edge technologies, and access exclusive content tailored for forward-thinking individuals like yourself.

For more in-depth insights, captivating case studies, and the latest updates, visit their website.

“Start small, dream big, dare to be different.” – Alejandro Máñez

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Top Web3 - Flincap

120 votes πŸ”Ό

White-label crypto-fiat exchange enabling the integration & launch of a fully-functional exchange within five minutes

The Problem πŸ€•

Flincap is solving the problem of too few crypto to fiat exchanges, as well as the technical expertise and financial constraints that prevent potential exchange owners from building their own exchanges.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution is a white-label crypto exchange platform that allows anyone to launch their own exchange without needing to handle the technical aspects or build everything from scratch.

How it Works ❓

It works by offering a ready-to-use platform with all the necessary infrastructure, such as a wallet system and real-time rates for crypto and fiat currencies, enabling exchange owners to focus solely on their business.

How you can help 🀝

Readers interested in owning a crypto exchange can visit their website to register an account and start building an exchange using their infrastructure, even if they have little to no technical expertise.

Embrace the concept of 'Just Launch.' Instead of waiting for a perfect product, focus on getting your product to the market as quickly as possible. While innovation and product excellence are crucial, prioritize revenue generation from Day 1”. – Nathaniel Luz, Founder to Flincap

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Top Security - Neucards

23 votes πŸ”Ό

A private digital contact card you update for others

The Problem πŸ€•

Neucards is solving the hassle of managing outdated contact information and the challenge of keeping connections updated in today's networking-centric world.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution is a revolutionary digital contact card platform that simplifies contact management and empowers users to control their information.

How it Works ❓

Users create personalized digital cards with essential contact details, which can be easily shared via email, QR codes, or NFC tap tags, and updates are automatically reflected for those who have the card.

How you can help 🀝

To get started, head over to their website, download the app, and create your own digital business card to start connecting with others in a smarter and more secure way.

“Be excited about what you do and enjoy every success, no matter how small.” – Brad Dominy, Founder of Neucards

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Top Marketing - PostNitro

41 votes πŸ”Ό

AI-Powered Carousel Post Generator

The Problem πŸ€•

Many people lack the time and/or design skills to create high quality LinkedIn carousels, despite them being a great way to increase engagement.

The Solution πŸ”¨

PostNitro offers a user-friendly platform for effortlessly crafting visually engaging carousel posts on LinkedIn.

How it Works ❓

Users access an intuitive interface, enabling them to create visually appealing carousels, ensuring consistent branding and easy customization for different audiences.

Call to Action 🀝

To get started, visit PostNitro.ai and sign up for a free account.

“Don't give up! Keep hustling.” – Muneeb Awan, Founder of PostNitro

Read their full feature

Top Travel - LikeLocal.ai

93 votes πŸ”Ό

Travel startup that opens locals' doors to travelers and the world for locals

The Problem πŸ€•

LikeLocal.io is solving the problem of disconnected tourism by bridging the gap between travelers and locals, providing authentic cultural immersion experiences and opportunities for everyone to contribute and earn in the travel industry.

The Solution πŸ”¨

Their solution is a platform that connects travelers with locals, allowing them to join local families for meals, attend events, and immerse themselves in local culture, while also enabling locals to showcase their hospitality and earn from hosting these experiences.

How it Works ❓

Travelers can search for events by location, book experiences, and communicate directly with hosts. Locals can register, describe their events, and get in touch with the platform's country manager for further details.

Call to Action 🀝

Head over to their website. Take a moment to browse through the countries they operate in and delve into the profiles of their hosts. Get to know them, learn about their dreams and challenges, their cherished rituals, and even their quirks.

Most importantly, when you travel, LikeLocal urges you to connect with the locals — the everyday people. Experience the country through their eyes, for it's one of the most authentic ways to truly understand a place.

“Keep going.” – Gevorg Babayan of LikeLocal.io

Read their full feature

That’s a wrap! Here’s to putting a spotlight on more startups in 2024 πŸ₯‚


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