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Featured Startup

Increasing Access to Private Equity and Venture Capital for More Investors

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John and Spencer met while undergrads at Tufts University. After graduation, they both ended up in New York working in finance. The two were frustrated that only the wealthiest investors could access top-tier alternative asset managers like the ones they worked at. Private equity and venture capital has helped many investors make millions, yet it is only available to the very wealthy. John and Spencer knew this had to change.

When they realized there were no platforms on the market allowing everyday investors to invest at low-minimums into private equity & venture capital funds, they decided to make it themselves. OneFund was founded with this vision in mind: Opening access to private equity and venture capital to more investors.

Private equity and venture capital has helped many investors make millions, yet it is only available to the very wealthy.

About OneFund

Despite performing exceptionally well as an asset class over the last 25 years, access to top-tier private equity and venture capital funds has historically been largely limited to the top one-percent of earners. This is because of the multi-million-dollar minimum investments required by most funds. OneFund is changing this.

John and Spencer are building a marketplace giving everyday investors access to top-tier private equity and venture capital funds at low minimums. PE & VC funds want to be on the platform because of the incremental capital OneFund can help them raise and customers want to use the platform because of the previously closed-off opportunities they are now able to access.

Democratizing Wealth

Giving everyday investors access to top-tier private equity and venture capital funds at low minimums can do a lot of good helping individuals build their wealth.

On the platform, you will be able to analyze various private equity and venture capital opportunities, select which you would like to invest in, and request an allocation. OneFund handles the rest, allowing you to sit back and relax.

Request to Join

Join the platform. Click here to learn more.

Advice to Fellow Founders

"Listen to your customers (or potential customers if you are pre-revenue). At the end of the day a lot of people will have opinions on what you are doing (good and bad), but your customers are ultimately what matters. Talk to potential users and customers first, find out what their problems are, and if there is a way to solve them, relentlessly pursue it." -The OneFund Founders

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Follow the Founders on Linkedin: John Bailey | Spencer Moslow

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