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How to make farts smell better

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The idea for a pill that makes your farts not stink was a long running inside joke between Mark and his wife. Every year on January 1st, Mark would update his Facebook status with “Well Science, it’s a new year. Where’s the pill to make our farts not stink?”… followed by crickets.

In a marketing class for his MBA, Mark’s team had to come up with an idea for a new product for a project they were working on that semester. As a joke, he suggested that they make a pill that makes your gas not stink. Everyone loved the idea, but the professor said they couldn’t use the idea unless they had a realistic idea of how the pill would work.

Not having a clue about the science of smells or odor neutralization, Mark dove into researching the subject in order to come up with a plausible list of ingredients to put in the pill. After a week of constant research, he came up with a list of ingredients that had been used for odor manipulation outside the body that were also safe to ingest. With this untested, but intriguing, list of ingredients, the professor signed off on the idea and allowed them to use the idea for the semester's project.

All About the Ingredients

This is when a lot of people might have stopped pursuing such a silly idea, but not Mark. After his professor accepted the proposal, he purchased the ingredients he suspected could reduce the odor of farts and then roped his classmates into being his guinea pigs to test out their effectiveness. He gave them one ingredient at a time for a week, and then had them take an anonymous survey after to see if they noticed any difference in the smell of their gas. Some ingredients flopped, and some actually made the gas not stink! The ingredients that worked are what ended up making it into their product.

This was the beginning of The Clean Air Act, Inc., the company behind both Sneak A Squeak and Paw-Pourri. The world waited on Science long enough without any viable option for how to make farts smell better—and now the solution is here.

Sneak A Squeak: More Than Just A Gag

Sneak A Squeak is providing a solution to smelly gas in a way that’s never been done before. Everyone, some people more than others, has felt the embarrassment of letting a stinky toot rip when you least wanted to. Even if you make it silent (we all have our tricks for this), you never knew if it was going to be odorless or if it would end up killing everyone in a 20 foot radius. You don’t want to take that risk.

Beyond the Chuckles

Think about it, what’s the quickest way to ruin a date? Let out a smelly fart. Want to lose credibility during a sales call? Stink up their office. Want to ruin a road trip with your friends? Let one rip and lock the windows. Yes, farts are sometimes funny, but other times can lead to serious consequences.

Sneak a Squeak is also great for the gym, church, airplanes (especially after airport food…), or any social or family get together. Not to mention it’s great at home! Our number one demographic are wives buying it for their husbands and kids (as if women don’t fart)!

Serious Solutions 

While the team has a lot of fun with their branding, Sneak A Squeak really does work, and they back it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. In fact, they have a growing number of regular customers who sign up for their subscription because the unwanted odor is such an issue for them that Sneak A Squeak is the only way they can get relief. So while the team does like having fun with their branding and messaging, they are also helping people not worry about embarrassing themselves in public anymore. Their customers have the confidence to pass gas knowing they won’t get sniffed out.

While the team has a lot of fun with their branding, Sneak A Squeak really does work, and they back it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Pawsitively Effective

After much success and Sneak A Squeak working for so many people, they had people ask them all the time if they could give it to their dogs too! The ingredients they use are all-natural and completely safe for dogs, but it was in a capsule form which wasn’t easy for dogs to take. 

Their labeling was also not suitable for the pet market, so they took their odor-busting ingredients and made Paw-Pourri: The Original Canine Tootralizer! Paw Pourri is a small peanut butter flavored chew that dogs love and make their furry little butts not stink! Sneak A Squeak also backs it up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

How You Can Help

Learn how to make farts smell better. The Clean Air Act, Inc. is looking to get Sneak a Squeak and Paw-Pourri to the world!

Christmas (and Father’s Day, unsurprisingly) is hands down their busiest time of year. Make sure to join in on the fun and find all their products at sneakasqueak.com. Use code FounderDaily15 for 15% off your purchase.

They are bootstrapping the launch of a sister-brand called ScentexPlus, which is a serious version of Sneak a Squeak, and are looking for investors who want to jumpstart its release.

Advice to Fellow Founders

"There are problems out there waiting to be solved that nobody is addressing. Look (and smell) around and opportunities will pop up when you least expect. Also, pay your taxes! For the love, make sure you’re paying your taxes!" –Mark Acor

Follow The Clean Air Act, Inc and Mark on their socials:

 instagram | Mark's linkedin | facebook

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